Ceyms Cons | James@mail.ru
Liverpul Yepiskopu
1. Khalidi Tarif. The Muslim Jesus: Sayings and Stories in Islamic Literature Cambridge.
MA: Harvard University Press, 2001.
2. Gasimoglu Nariman. “Spiritual Reading Guide on Shared Nature Commonalities in Bible
and Qur’an from Eco theology Perspectives” // Journal of Azerbaijani Studies 13 (3), pp.
15–44 and 13 (4), pp. 16–47.
3. Berry Thomas. ‘‘Christianity’s Role in the Earth Project’’ in the volume Christianity and
Ecology: Seeking the Well-Being of Earth and Humans edited by Hessel and Ruether.
Cambridge, Massachusetts, p.128.
JAMES JONES | James@mail.ru
Liverpul Yepiskopu
This article gives a fist-hand account of the correspondence between Bishop James Jones,
author of Jesus and the Earth, and Nariman Gasimoglu, a Muslim scholar in Azerbaijan on the
relevance of the Bible and Qur’an to the ecological stability or human-induced destruction of
the earth
1. Khalidi Tarif. The Muslim Jesus: Sayings and Stories in Islamic Literature Cambridge.
MA: Harvard University Press, 2001.
2. Gasimoglu Nariman. “Spiritual Reading Guide on Shared Nature Commonalities in Bible
and Qur’an from Eco theology Perspectives” // Journal of Azerbaijani Studies 13 (3), pp.
15–44 and 13 (4), pp. 16–47.
3. Berry Thomas. ‘‘Christianity’s Role in the Earth Project’’ in the volume Christianity and
Ecology: Seeking the Well-Being of Earth and Humans edited by Hessel and Ruether.
Cambridge, Massachusetts, p.128.
ДЖЕЙМС ДЖОНС | James@mail.ru
Liverpul Yepiskopu
Статья повествует о содержании личной переписки Джеймса Джонса, автора
книги Иисус и Земля, Нариманом Гасымоглу, мусульманским ученым Азербайджанского
происхождения. Переписка затрагивает их обмен мнениями относительно актуальности
рассмотрения вопросов экологической стабильности и деструктивной деятельности
человека, ведущей к разрушению Земли, в свете текстов Библии и Корана
1. Khalidi Tarif. The Muslim Jesus: Sayings and Stories in Islamic Literature Cambridge.
MA: Harvard University Press, 2001.
2. Gasimoglu Nariman. “Spiritual Reading Guide on Shared Nature Commonalities in Bible
and Qur’an from Eco theology Perspectives” // Journal of Azerbaijani Studies 13 (3), pp.
15–44 and 13 (4), pp. 16–47.
3. Berry Thomas. ‘‘Christianity’s Role in the Earth Project’’ in the volume Christianity and
Ecology: Seeking the Well-Being of Earth and Humans edited by Hessel and Ruether.
Cambridge, Massachusetts, p.128.
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